Spiritual & Life Coaching
(30 Minutes) This session is much like a “Get to know you” session. It is very important that there is a connection and a level of comfort for Coach and Client. This session will allow just that. We will briefly go over your desires, intentions, and areas of concern. (FREE for initial clients)
Full Session
(60 minutes) skype, in-person or over phone. Whatever it is you are needing help with I will guide you through it. This will help you to put together a vision for your life, set up the milestone goals and the weekly goals it will take to get there. This session is for you one whole hour of intuitive guidance for whatever is calling you for us to work on.
I will make sure that your wants/vision have a clear direction and that that the goals are in harmony with the your desires. This is very important because if there is conflict there can be no success, but if we work from a place of clarity and harmony, positive results will appear faster.
1.Why would I need a Life Coach?
How would you know if life coaching is something you need? Well, maybe ask yourself some of these questions: Do you want to create a successful life? Have you been trying to make a change without any successful results? Do you feel like you are stuck? If you are saying yes to those question, a Life Coach might be able to help you, but what exactly can a personal coach do for you?
Life coaching helps you achieve your goals faster – A Life Coach focuses on tangible results and can help you reach your goals faster than you would on your own. The key is to be able to see things from a new and more effective perspective. The client in a life coaching session will work with specific tools and learn methods that actually work in order to reach his/her goals.
Life coaching can help you reach your personal dreams – A Life Coach can work with you on both professional and personal areas. You can be coached with anything from your career to your love life. If you need a career direction, or achieve a specific goal, or want to improve your whole life, a personal coach can help you get there much faster than you would be able to do on your own.
Life coaching helps you act more successfully – A Life Coach helps you do things in new and more effective ways. You can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect changes. If you want new results you will have to do something different. You will work with effective tools to approach life in a more successful way when you attend life coaching sessions.
2. What can I ask a Life Coach?
Life Coaches can help you with most areas in life – A certified Life Coach has a general training that covers most topics in life. However, some Life Coaches have special training in certain fields and/or special interest in specific life coaching areas. Examples of Life Coaching areas are: business, career, health, leadership, money, motivation, parenting, personal development, relationships, retirement, self-esteem, staff/business, stress, work-life balance etc. If a Life Coach doesn’t mention any specific life coaching area in their biography, then feel free to contact him/her and ask guidance on whatever you want. An alternative is to choose a life coach that specializes on the specific life coaching area that you need help with.
3. How does a Life Coach work?
A Life Coach works like a consultant and not as a therapist or psychologist – A Life Coach is neither a therapist nor a psychologist. A personal coach works more as a consultant, and provides the tools to approach life successfully. A Life Coach can work with you on private sessions, over the phone, or over the internet. The sessions are often weekly.
A Life Coach will help you identify your goals and values – Your personal coach will first help you identify your goals and values. It’s important that your goals and values are in harmony if you want to live a life with your most authentic self and with integrity. After identifying your goals and values during a coaching session, you will have a clear direction on where you want to go in life.
A Life Coach will work on your self improvement – From here on, your Life Coach will focus on working on your self improvement so you can become your very best. You will learn new effective ways of doing things and dealing with life in the future. You will be encouraged to take action and achieve success. Your personal coach will help you to achieve your goals in harmony with your most authentic self and with integrity.
4. Life Coach Qualifications
Depending on the Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (ACSTH) a Life Coach can be:
- Associate Certified Coach (ACC) with at least 100 hours of client coaching experience
- Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with at least 750 hours of client coaching experience
- Master Certified Coach (MCC) with at least 2500 hours of client coaching experience
5. Summary: What is Life Coaching?
Life Coaching:
- focuses on tangible results
- is often known as “Coaching for Life Success”
- gives directions on how to achieve professional and personal goals (career, relationships, dating, conflict resolution, sports etc.)
- focuses on your self improvement to achieve success
- teaches new ways of doing things and provides guidance on how to deal with future events
- may include mentoring, consulting, psychological counseling, and behavior modification, but a Life Coach is not a therapist or psychologist
- Life Coaching Certifications: ACC, PCC, and MCC
Life coaching can be summarized with following wise words:
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
– Albert Einstein
6. Is there a difference ”Life Coaching” and ”Spiritual Coaching”?
Life Coaching concentrates on tangible goals – Life coaching focuses on tangible results and teaches new ways to achieve professional and personal goals.
Spiritual Coaches focuses on feelings – Spiritual coaching focuses on your inner voice and feelings. It teaches how to obtain more joy and happiness in life through a deeper spiritual awareness. The term Spiritual Life Coach is also often used, and is the same as Spiritual Coach.
New Perspective with Life Coaching and Spiritual Coaching – A personal coach helps you see and do things in new ways, which is important if you want to make changes in your life. Both Life Coaching and Spiritual Coaching fulfill special needs in today’s society. We all go through different stages of our lives and need different things. As we grow our needs change. At some point we may want to seek a professional Life Coach to help us fulfill our needs. Later on we may feel that something is missing in our lives and discover that emptiness can’t be filled with external factors or objects. A solution in this case could be to seek up a Spiritual Coach for guidance and start an inner journey to become whole and feel peace within ourselves.
A mix of both teachings can be of value, since you need inspiration (spiritual coaching) in order to stay motivated (life coaching).
Follow your inspiration – A tip is to always listen to your intuition and follow your inspiration if you want to find clarity. Your inspiration always leads you to your personal happiness.
Want to become a certified life coach CLICK HERE

Whatever it is you need guidance or clarity with. Allow me to help provide that through an Intuitive Angel Card Reading. This can be a very powerful and personal session that can help heal, provide insight and so much more. Angel Card readings are done witha specific intention in mind. These readings can be done long distance and will be delivered in the form of a very detailed email.
- Get clear around a relevant topic. This process provides guidance and will allow you to in turn gain relief.
- Angel card reading can help with healing. This proves true when blocks are lifted through this process.

We use a vareity of decks, and usually choose which ever deck we intuitively are drawn to before the reading.
2. Can I do this through email?
Yes we can communicate your intention for your reading via in person, on the phone, or through email. Whichever outlet of communication best serves you.
3. Is this black magic?
No not at all. This is done with the utmost love, compassion and openness. Some people want to believe it God, the angels, or whomever your higher power is that is guding the session. There is no darkness with any reading or outcome.
4. How does this work?
Basically I will ask you to give me a topic or intention that you want me to hold in my conciousness. I will sit in mediation to clear my energy and channel my intuition and guides. Once that is done I pull cards as I feel called to.
thatʼs what she said…
© holistichousewife 2019
Site Design by Blue Loui Studio
© holistichousewife 2019
Site Design by Blue Loui Studio