This blog post was contributed by A Real Holistic Housewife Krissany Tauber IG- @@essentiallyobsessedmom

We were having a celebration for my husband’s birthday recently. Family gathered at our home
before going out to dinner, my husband wanted to watched a movie on his new TV – wives
don’t roll your eyes – you want to read this! Our only opportunity to watch an adult (No!!! Not
THAT kind) movie is when the kids are napping or down for the night. So he ran to redbox (side
note: Jurassic World is amazing!) and I got to work getting our daughters down for naps. In the
hustle, my oldest’s diffuser had run out of water/oils and I didn’t want to miss the beginning
because DUH – Chris Pratt! So I left her room without turning it on! A few minutes later she was
yelling that she needed us – my husband rushed up to see what was going on and I said to my
in laws “I bet she wants her diffuser on.” She did! My father in law says “Does the FDA even
regulate that stuff? Is it even safe for them to be breathing that while they sleep?”
Isn’t it funny, we’re quick to ask if plant juice is safe but we’ll grab a candle at the store or
throw an air freshener in our car without even thinking “is this safe?” My short response to him
was “No the FDA doesn’t regulate essential oils. But if you have quality, from a source you can
trust, oils – yes, they’re safe. I’ve researched it to death.” Knowing me, he took that as enough
of an answer – but since you might not here is my long answer …

Google “does the FDA regulate essential oils!” I’ll wait…

Now that you’re back surely you saw that “The law doesn’t require cosmetics to have FDA
approval before they go to market.” Yet, does anyone ask “Is this safe?” before applying
mascara or lip gloss? Not many people do. “There is no regulatory definition for “essential
oils,” although people commonly use the term to refer to certain oils extracted from plants. The
law treats ingredients from plants the same as those from any other source.“ Both of those
quotes were pulled straight from the FDA’s website. No regulation. Well, how do we know they
are safe? How do we even know if they’re considered a drug or a cosmetic? Or something
different entirely? This is where sourcing comes into play. Where you get your oils is THE most
important decision to make when you begin purchasing and as you continue to use oils for
their various purposes.

Seed to Seal is the reason I trust Young Living essential oils. The reason I chose them over all
the other companies out there. The reason I feel comfortable diffusing oils in my children’s
bedrooms, in my living room, my bathroom, my office and my kitchen. They are THE only oil
company with essential oils that are actually labeled for internal consumption. The ONLY one –
that says something about their quality standards. Click the link – all the information is there.
To hit the highlights, Young Living properly vets all the farms they use. These farms must
adhere to strict guidelines and meet purity standards well above any others out there. From the
farm, they head straight to the state of the art facility in Utah. Good oils deserve good
production. And this facility is it. YL controls the process from the seed, to the factory all the
way to the shipment. They have independent third party testing done on their oils and products
to make sure that inferior or adulterated oils never reach your doorstep. It’s science, y’all. And it
is GOOD!

For more information on seed to seal go to


-Krissany, A Real Holistic Housewife