Cleaning up your Stress

I am a self-proclaimed OCD clean freak. When we moved into our home (6 years ago) I was so excited and so full of anxiety. We moved from a 1800 sq. ft. home to a almost 5,000 sq ft. home. How the hell am I going to be able to keep things in line? Once we were settled,...

My Daily Oil Routine..

I decided to do a blog on my daily oil routine that helps keep our immune system happy and healthy. No one likes to be sick… and no mom likes to have sick babies. Getting sick is inevitable, but if you can boost your immune system naturally why not. Take a peak...

Stress and Anxiety… How do you cope?

YAY! I did a VLOG (video blog) So much easier, or so I thought. Apparently I should’ve looked into how to post this “VLOG” into wordpress before I recorded. Let just say THANK YOU stress away, because I didn’t want to throw my lap top through...

Have you heard…

THE BIRD IS THE WORD!!! LoL… Sorry I just had too! No seriously… have you heard? In June Young Living release the new and improved Premium Starter Kit. This is by far (in my opinion) the BEST KIT yet! So here we go! So, not only do we have new products...


Hopefully everyone is having a fantabulous weekend! It has been so rainy here in South Florida. So that means, flooding, lightening, and mosquitoes the size of Texas! YAY!!!! (thank God for my lavender with those pesky suckers *pun intended*) I just wanted everyone to...