Benefits of Turmeric

If you have no idea about turmeric and it’s amazing powers, then the universe has brought you to the right place! Turmeric is a plant, so yes it is all natural! You probably know turmeric as the main spice in curry or many middle eastern dishes. It has a warm,...

Essential Oil Cough Syrup

It’s so reliving to know that I can give my family all natural alternative when they are sick. No more OTC toxic meds. This recipe we have to refill (aka remake) a lot. All Natural Cough Syrup 1/2 cup organic LOCAL honey(local being key because it’s made...

Teething Probs… The weekend from….

So ya by now if you follow my blog you know the reason why I got into essential oils was for my anxiety, but really started seriously searching high and low for oils that worked for my daughter; to ease her pain with her devil teeth. Seriously the kid would get...