COPAIBA IS NOT CBD… What’s the deal?

Well there is a new issue now that Young living is coming out with a CBD oil... and that's the question "Isn’t Copaiba the same as CBD?" NO! To be honest this accusation or claim was a interested twist and ploy by another essential oil company to boost sales. Now...

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My Huge Irrational Fear of Flying

I have this crazy super irrational fear of flying. It all stemmed back to when I was like 9. My twin sister and I were on our way to Boston by ourselves. I was nervous but I had my sis so I was ok. We were on our way to the airport and I was super sad because my dad...

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Pregnancy from hell…

So, yea.... it has been a long time since I have updated the blog. But, as most of you know I am pregnant with my 3rd baby. YAY!!! I am excited of course, and blessed. However, this pregnancy hasn't been for the birds! I suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Hyperemesis...

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